Registration Form (Nursery Class) for Session : 2025-26

Applicant's detail

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Class for Admission
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Distance from school
Aadhar Number
Mother Tongue
Social Category
Does the child suffer from any disease/allergy?
If yes, give details
Child with special needs?
If yes, give details
Is Transport Required?
Tel No
Emergency Contact No.
Residential Address
Permanent Address
Name of the school last attended put NA if not applicable for Nursery/KG
Reason for leaving the previous school
Can you arrange your transport in case school transport is not available?

Sibling Information

If a sibling is studying in, or has passed from BETHESDA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, please give details

Staff Information

Is Staff Ward?

Mother's Details (If not applicable type NA)

First Name
Last Name
Aadhar No.
Email Id
Mobile No.
Mother Tongue
Highest Educational Qualification
Occupation / Profession
Name of the Organization
Organization Address
Office Contact No.
Alumni ?
Year of passing

Father's Details (If not applicable type NA)

Last Name
Aadhar No.
Email Id
Mobile No.
Mother Tongue
Highest Educational Qualification
Profession / Occupation
Name of the Organization
Organization Address
Office Contact No.
Alumni ?
Year of passing

Other Details

Cantact Person
Parent Contact Mobile No.
Parent Contact email id


  1. I/We wish that my daughter/son ward be admitted to BETHESDA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, BHATI MINES . I/We undertake to abide by all the School rules and regulations regarding payment of fees, withdrawals, grant of leave, etc.

  2. My/Our daughter/son ward will submit to the discipline of the School and attend it in proper School uniform.

  3. I/We will not propagate or follow any person or group working against the School and will communicate with the School directly.

  4. I/We shall under no circumstances apply for any alteration in the Date of Birth of my ward.

  5. I/We understand that the School bus is provided only as a convenience. I/We undertake not to request for a change in the existing bus route and that my/our ward will travel by School bus at her/his own risk.

  6. I/We understand that fee for the Academic Session 2025 - 26 is subject to change in accordance with the directives received from the Government effective for the given session.

  7. I/We agree that any misinterpretation or false information given by me/us in this application will be a sufficient cause for cancellation of this application and expulsion of the student from the School rolls.

  8. I/We agree that my/our ward's photographs can be uploaded in the school website/social media platforms and can be used for advertisement purposes.