I/We wish that my daughter/son ward be admitted to BETHESDA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, BHATI MINES . I/We undertake to abide by all the School rules and regulations regarding payment of fees, withdrawals, grant of leave, etc.
My/Our daughter/son ward will submit to the discipline of the School and attend it in proper School uniform.
I/We will not propagate or follow any person or group working against the School and will communicate with the School directly.
I/We shall under no circumstances apply for any alteration in the Date of Birth of my ward.
I/We understand that the School bus is provided only as a convenience. I/We undertake not to request for a change in the existing bus route and that my/our ward will travel by School bus at her/his own risk.
I/We understand that fee for the Academic Session 2025 - 26 is subject to change in accordance with the directives received from the Government effective for the given session.
I/We agree that any misinterpretation or false information given by me/us in this application will be a sufficient cause for cancellation of this application and expulsion of the student from the School rolls.
I/We agree that my/our ward's photographs can be uploaded in the school website/social media platforms and can be used for advertisement purposes.